My job using only the 1000 most used words, as inspired by the excellent xkcd comic Up-Goer Five, the twitter hashtag #upgoerfive, and the up-goer five text editor.
I plan power making houses. These use water from high ground that should run over the ground to lower down, but we build a wall to move the water into an under ground pass, which takes water to the power house. There it moves fast and turns a thing inside that makes power.
I work out how much power the power house will make. More water, or water higher up, gives more power. People want to buy the power for their lights, computer, TV, and to make their houses warm. If I know how much power we will have, and how much people want to buy the power for, I then know how much money the power house will make.
I also work out how much money is needed to build the power house, the turning thing that makes power, the wall in the water, and the under ground water pass. This has to be less than about ten times all the money the power house makes in a year, or it does not get built.
I draw pictures and write a story to tell people what the power house and wall will look like and where it will be. I have to think carefully about what people, trees, and animals (on the ground, in the water, and in the air) might not like about the power making house, and maybe change it to make it better. My work friends tell me what trees and animals are near, and which might not like the power making house the most. They draw pictures of where the trees and animals are.
We send the pictures and story to important people who decide if we can built the power making house or not. If they say yes, we draw more pictures to show people how to build the power house, wall in the water, and under ground water pass. These pictures are better and show the different parts drawn bigger, and they also show the parts inside the walls that hold them together.
In case you hadn’t worked it out, and didn’t know, I work on the design of small hydro-electric power schemes.