Thesis finished

I finally finished my thesis, and handed in a copy for examination a couple of weeks ago. I’m now catching up with all the things I’ve not done over the past months, including sleep and updating this site. The actual process of handing in the thesis for examination was something of an anti-climax.

More on writing my thesis with LaTex

As I mentioned previously, I am writing my thesis using the LaTeX markup system, and thought I would put together a few words on my experience and things I have found. This includes formatting tables, including acronyms, and larger landscape figures/tables. I am sure there are many other ways to to achieve the same result,… Continue reading More on writing my thesis with LaTex

And so the thesis writing begins

After nearly three years of research, I have started the long and arduous process of writing up. I am going to use LaTeX to compile my writing, mainly because it makes it easier to make beautiful looking documents. Also word processing packages have a nasty habit of corrupting the formatting, and make numbering of equations difficult.… Continue reading And so the thesis writing begins

Taught component over, now onto the research

Nearly six months ago, I finished the taught component of my EngD, and moved on to the research phase. My project is looking at physical scale modelling of offshore renewable energy devices in the new FloWave facility at the University of Edinburgh. This is claimed to be the world’s most advanced ocean simulator, a 25m… Continue reading Taught component over, now onto the research